Hello again my beloved minions. Back to work this week with a full load of school, work,
and symphony.
Yes, that's right, the life monkey is pelting me with the feces of obligation.
Last week was great, relaxed, fun filled, and loaded with lots of time with family. This week is not.
Today I'll work from 7am to 3:45, then off to class from 4:45 to 7:15, then off to symphony rehearsal from 7:30 to 10:00. Mondays I tells ya.
But I'll not pine over my lengthy day. I'm a firm believer that you're not allowed to bitch about how hard your life is if you've made it so based on the options you've chosen. Nobody asked me to spend a decade+ in college, or play the violin for extra income, so I'm not going to sit here and whine about how tired I am. If it were that hard I wouldn't do it.
Instead I'll look at the positive side, I do have enough time to play with my beautiful little girl before she goes to sleep, I have enough time to eat, pay bills online, and post this super-awesome life update. Not to shabby, right?
This last weekend we went to my sister-in-law's house to celebrate her daughter's birthday. They had the usual eats: burgers, potato salad, etc. That evening we vegged on the couch and caught up on some DVR action. Sunday we hopped over to Alamogordo to visit my parents, as my sister and her family were in town visiting. I don't see myself heading to Roswell anytime soon so it was a good chance to see all of them before they left for home. Watched some good NCAA action that afternoon, and then the usual FOX Sunday night animation. Home by 9:30, we watched the episodes we missed on the trip home and then hit the hay.
Before my sister and her family left we were treated to a variety show performed by her 3 daughters. The "Crazy Colors Show" (free admission, which was great what with the economy and all) was delightful, and featured Josie as announcer, Lana on keyboards, and Brianna on choreography. The whole thing was really cute, with a brief intermission when my sister's son Brandon fell forward off the hammock he was sitting on and pulled of a grade A faceplant. But, as they say, the show must go on.
After the show they had us all dance, and then gave out awards to everyone. The awards ceremony was rather impromptu, so Josie basically pulled the categories out of her ass. Needless to say I won for, and I quote, "being the most hairy, and for being a fat bear." Now I've won an award or two in life, but never one so contradictory. I didn't even know there was a fat hairy bear competition, and if I had I might have been more compelled to be either:
- Less fat.
- Less hairy.
- Less fat and hairy.
- Not a bear.
Suffice it to say I accepted the award with some reservation. No worries though since she's still in the innocent child phase. She calls em' like she sees em'. Since I know I'm definitely not the least fat or hairy, so at worst she's partially right.
So on we go, this week it's a performance with the Las Cruces Symphony. Jennifer Frautschi will be performing the Khachaturian Violin Concerto with us, then we'll finish the show with Shostakovich's 5th Symphony.
Links to their respective sites/youtube recordings.
See you all soon,