Saturday, August 30, 2008

Well played McCain? I think not:

Sooo, Alaska Govenor Sarah Palin. I'm enjoying this move by McBush. Nothing says "My opponent is too young and inexperienced" like choosing a running mate the is both younger and profoundly more inexperienced. You simply have to admire the sheer size of McCain's brass balls to forgo logic and shoot so very squarely, Cheney-like if you will, at the lowest common denominator. In fact, if you listen closely enough you can hear him chuckling at the idea. What simpler move to try and capture the disillusioned Democrats than to offer them what Obama and the DNC didn't ... a woman. Simply choosing someone of the opposite sex, however, does not a VP make. Palin pales in comparison to Clinton as a politician. Her ideology suits the far right of the Republican party, much to the chagrin of hard working Americans everywhere. Basically you take a small town beauty pageant runner up... fill her with good (bad) Christian dogma... blow the dust off of her and put her in the White House. Ok, Ms. Palin, how about a bio:
  • -An advocate of the "$150 a wolf" hunting bounty.
  • -Supports continued AERIAL hunting of wolves and bears. As in "I'm in a plane with a gun. You are an animal running. If I can't shoot you from a plane, I'm just going to wait until you tire from running, then I'm going to put my gun against your head and kill you." This has been voted against TWICE by the citizens of Alaska (her own constituents mind you) and yet no change as been implemented under her term as governor.
  • -Sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service to REMOVE the polar bear from the endangered species list. This is a stance George W. Bush won't even take.
  • -Until recently (conflict of interest anyone?) her husband worked for BP ... as in BRITISH PERTOLEUM!, so it's no surprise the she is a strong advocate for drilling in the ANWR and increasing the presence of offshore drilling.
  • -As mayor of Wasilla -her role prior to her only 2 years served as governor- she botched the construction of a $15 million dollar sports complex. In a town with an annual budget of $3.9 million at the time, her administration botched the acquisition of the land (which was owned at the time by another) costing an additional 1.7 million dollars in court costs and settlements. To this day, the town still has not seen a return on the investment, and continues to raise fees and cut subsidies to pay for this mistake. This in a town of 5469 people (2000 census). AND SHE'S READY TO HELP LEAD THE FREE WORLD?
  • -She has absolutely no foreign policy experience. You don't get any less than zero.
  • -She believes in "creation" science, and the need for it to be taught in our schools. By which I mean, we came from Adam and Eve... the Garden of Eden... that whole thing. Believe what you will, but the Flying Spaghetti Monster has just as much clout as Jesus when you're discussing creationism. Read up and agree. And BTW just for the record, nothing is as cute and cuddly to the educated as the idea of "creating" a type of science which uses science to prove science wrong. Scientists don't feel the need to find a religious anecdote to explain why a vinegar and baking soda volcano wins the blue ribbon at the science fair, so let's just stick with what we know, is that alright with you religion? Deal.
  • -She is currently under investigation by her own state! She recently fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Many believe that this is only because he refused to fire Palin's ex-brother in law after a messy divorce with Palin's sister. The results of this investigation are due out one week before the general election. At least most politicians wait until they're in D.C. before they start corrupt practices.
Before I throw up what's left of an otherwise delicious steak dinner. Here's my new campaign sign for the Republican party.

Keep your heads about you, peace and goodnight.

Friday, August 29, 2008

User Submitted

This lovely little post found it's way to me through a good friend. I'm sure some will like it and others will raise an eyebrow, but it's actually pretty unique. We have an arrangement of Radiohead's song "Creep". Only this version has been broken down and arranged for a quartet of bass clarinets. Let me repeat that in case your eyes brushed by the text a little too fast... a quartet of bass clarinets. One thing I've noticed over the years is that when you have a good song, it becomes universally accessible. Were this the original version, it wouldn't be half bad. Nice goin' there Cornelius Boots, now work on that name. Enjoy and have a great day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Michael Phelps FTW!

I totally enjoyed watching Michael Phelps junk punch the competition at the Olympics this year. In particular his one one-hundredth of a second victory over Milorad Cavic in the 100m Butterfly. Here in a video I can't seem to get enough of, we see some behind the scenes exchanges which somewhat tarnish Phelps wholesome image. That'll teach you to possess dual U.S./Serbian citizenship!

Funny Picture of the Day

Caught this while randomly browsing the internet. Made me laugh and I hope it makes you laugh too.

I must say I wholeheartedly agree.

WTF - Ambien and the Olympics

It's late and I'm tired. I still have yet to acclimate to the non-Olympic TV schedule. I keep thinking I'll see a semifinal match for women's volleyball any second now but instead I only see the Magic Duster infomercial (I'm in for two). Truth is, I have only one complaint about the late night live broadcasts of the Beijing Olympics and that is this... WHY ARE THEY SPONSORED BY AMBIEN! Show a little goddamn sympathy for us Insomniolympians and try not to rub it in our face that we're awake at 3:47 in the morning. How about some optimistic late-night advertising, like a little bit of 4th Meal from Taco Bell, or a premature high-cholesterol breakfast item. Instead I get a mind-numbing side effect disclaimer about how I'll end up impaling this puppy with with a meat thermometer and awaken later with no recollection of the incident. That sort of thing does NOT enhance my already waning enthusiasm for women's volleyball. I'm out!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Video of the Day

Here we have a small sample from Igudesman and Joo. Its members are violinist Aleksey Igudesman and pianist Richard Hyung-ki Joo. They put on quite a funny show but are still pretty isolated to Europe. Hopefully they'll hit the US someday. "Rachmaninoff Had Big Hands" is probably my favorite sketch of theirs, so enjoy.

Working on centralization.

In this vast interglobalweblogdigest, I have come the the conclusion that it is high time that I make use of a better means of relating to my public (both of you). After untold attempts to update and maintain a multitude of social networking sites, I've decided to extend a very clear and concise middle finger to the idea. So here we go!