So now, back to the grind. After a lovely weekend off, including Monday, it's back to work. Have to make a living somehow, and for the time being it seems that the best way to do that is by working. Personally, I'm hoping that whole concept changes in the future. If I'm lucky someday you'll be able to make a living by sitting in the comfortable corner of the couch and falling asleep on a partly cloudy afternoon while watching The Simpsons.
Not a whole lot going on this week. I had Monday off and I'll have Thursday and Sunday off this week as well, so my work week is split right down the middle.
This week my priority is cleaning the house and reassembling a computer I've been working on. I received a nice little piece of work the other day, and I'll be doing a complete tear down and rebuild since it wasn't posting. I noticed a couple of inconsistencies (i.e. improperly seated RAM, video card power cable plugged in 1 notch off) so I'm just going to dismantle the whole thing and start from scratch. Wish me luck.
As far as cleaning the house goes, I need to take out the trash and wash the dishes (I'm way overdue, it's totally my turn). Likewise I need to get rid of all the clutter surrounding my computer desk. I need to file away the important stuff (W-2's, paper copies of taxes) and throw out the rest.

Speaking of which, at some point I should acquire some credentials. I've been border-hopping the last 3 years pretty regularly and have yet to procure myself a passport. If I'm not mistaken I'm going to require one here shortly or they won't let my ass back into the country. Fortunately there's that new border crossing card which covers you for land travel to Mexico and Canada. It's cheaper and more efficient than a traditional passport, so I'll probably go that route. Especially since I won't be taking my European vacation anytime soon.
Caitlyn made out like a little pink Easter bandit. Chocolate bunnies, creme eggs, handsome little outfits, and even some delicious rice husks. She still seems to amaze us everyday, and I'll tell you right out that I totally don't deserve this kid.
Speaking of which, it's high time I put up some damn baby pictures. I talk and talk about her like she's Snuffleupagus. Add that to my list of things to do this week. Clean house, fix computer, post baby pictures to blog/Facebook page. Done, done, and done.
More to come,
P.S. I ate this bunny too.....