So, in everyone's best interest, allow me to post a random series of safe-for-work images, if only to strategically push more objectionable content lower on the page.
In other news, I didn't miss much over the last few months in regards to Sarah Palin. Fortunately for me, she's been hammering nails in her own coffin while I've been away, saving me the trouble of proofreading my stream of thought regarding the extent to which she personifies everything that's wrong with the GOP.
Of course, that doesn't mean she won't get hers, I just need to throw something together.

Crystal and I began dating right around Valentine's day 8 years ago. I remember it like it were yesterday plus 8 years.
I had been in El Paso that night at the Olive Garden having dinner with Terry, Sarah, her roommates and a few other friends for her birthday (I think it's on February 15th, but don't hold me to that).

Also, on Valentines Day 2008, Crystal found out she was pregnant with a very tiny Caitlyn. Which was a damned good coincidence since we named her Caitlyn anyway. Here we are, an amazing two years later.
This weekend I'll be playing a chamber orchestra concert at the Rio Grande theater. We're performing Mozart's 40th Symphony, and the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. The 40th was Mozart's second to last symphony and one of, if not, his most well known. The Mendelssohn Concerto is amazing, and harder than it sounds. Feel free to click on the links for a taste via YouTube.

Stay tuned for something a little more humorous and less life-updatey over the weekend.

Time to wrap things up here.
Forgive any errors for the remainder of the day, I'll correct shit when I'm home and able (done, I think). The spacing on my posts when I send them through here ends up all screwy in the final product.
Watch Zombieland if you haven't already, great fuckin' movie.
Rainbows and Unicorns.