Been busy, mostly with work. It's just life. I come to work, go home, then it's right to Caitlyn. And can you blame me? Didn't think so. Just something about walking through the door and the way her face lights up when she sees me. There's nothing on the planet more important than that, not even computers.
Speaking of computers, spent the last week or so putting together my latest model, in case you're wondering why I haven't updated. It's been about 5 years since I built my last computer, and it's served me well. Some minor upgrades every now and again like a new hard drive, more RAM, or a new video card helped me stretch the life on her as best I could. But no matter how you slice it, I'm long overdue for some modern computing power.
Besides, you can only make games look so good with an AGP slot. Yeah that's right, an AGP slot.
Bonus nerd points if you laughed at that, double it if you laughed mockingly.
Anyway, Angry Beaver IV consists of a Phenom Quad Core Processor, 4 Gigs of Corsair RAM, a BGF Geforce 8800GTS OC, 600W Power Supply in an Antec 300 Mini Tower, 2 640GB Hard Drives in a RAID 1 configuration, a ZBoard Merc, a Razer Diamondback, and a set of Logitech Z4's rounds out the peripherals.
Still unsure whether to run Vista, XP Pro, or the Windows 7 release candidate, but I'll figure that out soon enough.
In the meantime you'll be hard pressed to find a way to pry me from my computer. Unless you're Caitlyn, in which case it's ridiculously easy.

Of course, as you all know (those of you that care about these sorts of things) Chad and Amy welcomed a new addition to their family. Margarita Jean is the newest addition to the clan and we can't wait to meet her. DC has jumped into the top 3 on the list of places we're looking to travel to over the next year.
Congrats you two, and welcome to the club!
FYI, they really do grow up too fast. No matter how many times people have told me (hundreds) it's still faster than I ever imagined.
Enjoy it!

So this week nothing amazing, which is as it should be. NBA Finals are on, so I'll tune into that. Just watched the Magic get their asses handed to them last night so I'm hoping they can exact some revenge on that date rapist Kobe Bryant.
Anyway, next week has much more in store. I do promise to post more. Elwood's been lax so for some reason I've felt like it gives me the right to do the same.
But again, can you blame me? New computer people! I'm enjoying the electronic eye candy that is my new self-built PC. It's just fun.
Some babies are flesh and blood, other babies are electronic boxes that whisk me away to the magical world of whimsy known as the Internet. Either way they both took a substantial contribution from me (maybe not that big a contribution on the former).
More to come!