Friday, July 30, 2010


Ugh, sitting at work today and my server is down.  This means I have work to do and no means to finish it. 

Nothing like forced procrastination, which is exactly what I don't need, since I'm perfectly good at procrastinating on my own.  Its like having a bacon eating assistant, I simply don't need one.

So what's new? Charlie Rangel is in hot water for some shady funding deals and disclosure violations.  His response, "I can't make an excuse for serious violations, but I can have an explanation of my intent ... and to large degree that's what my life has been all about -- intent."

Well, if everything in this world were based off of our intent and not our action, let me be the first to say the following:
  • I've just completed my doctorate.
  • I'm financially stable, with plenty saved up for retirement.
  • I practice violin every day without fail, leaving plenty of time for vigorous aerobic exercise, playtime with my daughter, and a few pleasant moments with my wife.
The reality is that no matter our intent, our actions do tend to define us.  We can mold some of the intent-excuse-reasoning framework in order to provide perspective to our situation.  However, at the end of the day we are each most responsible for our own actions, and the way those actions affect others' perspective of ourselves.

More to come, time to see if my server is up....

Have a great day!
