Well, another awesome week come and gone. Last week was great, so nice to work M-F and have the whole weekend off with no commitments, symphonies, or appointments. Hopefully this week will be more of the same.
On Friday, we relinquished our child to the custody of my sister-in-law, as she's been dying to spend some time with her favorite niece. The baby (knock on wood) has been just super with everyone and enjoys being around all sorts of people. We've been fortunate enough to have the luxury of others wanting to watch the baby, instead of us needing them to. So every once in a great while we'll deliberately schedule a movie or a night out to give family some playtime with the little one sans parents.

So the Mrs. went out with her mother for a girls night. They spent some time at the casino for a bit and eventually wound up at a traditional Mexican bar (stateside, but there really is no difference when you live as close to the border as we do). This particular bar showcased a variety of Hispanic males in full mating plumage. It's really quite amazing how you can travel 20 minutes and be in a completely different world.
The men were adorned with cowboy hats, silver chains with obnoxiously large rooster pendants, and pointy boots of a most peculiar color. Shirts unbuttoned just enough to frame the gigantic rooster pendant and draw the eye to what must clearly be a hair nest for said poultry. Now, I wasn't there, but I can imagine the spectacle as well as I hope you can.

I went out to see, you guessed it,
Slumdog Millionaire. I would love to sit here and write a full on review, but it's only a 45 minute lunch so maybe I'll write more on that later. Truth be told it's difficult to imagine a better film to take the title of best picture. I've only seen Milk and
Slumdog, but both were top notch.
Slumdog takes the cake however for what is simply a perfect story. Each time I see this movie (3 times since last Friday for the record) another subtlety is brought to light, making it that much better.
Do yourself and favor and see the movie as soon as it comes out on DVD here in about a week or so. Don't rent it, buy it. You live through the lives of the characters, and their lives will correlate with your own. It refreshes your memory of what true love can be, how fragile it is, and how hard it is to lose. You know, in case you forgot.
Do not fail to see this movie.An easy five out of five
Chai Wallas.
That'll be funnier after you see it.
Ok, only eight minutes left. This week, a whole
lotta nothing. Sunday I have a rehearsal for the
Las Cruces Symphony, which will keep me occupied for the whole of next week. I need to clean house both online and offline, as my desktop is
cluttered and my
WoW mailbox is full of things that should have gone to the auction house months ago. In the real world, the dishes need doing and we are ever so close to needing the
AC's switched back on.
So for now,
that'll do. Here's wishing a most happy of birthdays to
Elwood, who we hope continues his entertaining work for years to come.
Take care and see you all real soon,