UPDATE 8:42 am MST: Still pretty damn tired.... coffee = no effect. Attempting to solicit proprietary "upper." Calls to Pfizer not being returned.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
It's 5:47 am, do you know where your children are?
UPDATE 8:42 am MST: Still pretty damn tired.... coffee = no effect. Attempting to solicit proprietary "upper." Calls to Pfizer not being returned.
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Week in the Life - The Reason…
Well, what can you say. My life is good, and I can’t complain about the fact that I’m so busy in such a good way that I’ve over neglected those things that once kept me sane. I mean, shit, look at her. She’s a lot of fun to be around. Couple that with the usual smorgasbord (spelled that right on the first try, thank God) of skills that pay the bills, and you find yourself home long after she’s gone to bed. The days fly by faster than you can count, and the one thing you always know is this, the tired doesn’t change. If I settle in at 6:00 pm, there’s as much a chance of me sleeping straight through until morning as there is when I get in at 1:30 in the morning. There’s no such thing as wide awake, no matter now long you sleep. Every day we close in on one goal while setting two more, two steps forward one step back.
Still, every once in awhile I find time to myself. Like now. They were both in bed by the time I arrived, and by the time I wake up tomorrow, one will be halfway to work and the other will probably be asleep through the morning drop-off. I saw her last at 5:00 pm today, and I’ll see her again tomorrow at about 6:00 pm. It seems like it would be difficult, but then I’m one of the lucky ones. It takes about half a second to think about those who go far longer periods of time through exigencies far superior to mine. So I press on through my relatively easy life, enjoying every minute of time most others might take for granted. Somebody always has it worse than you do, always.
So, what’s new? Not a lot. Still working, still in school, still playing in my usual two orchestras, and still teaching Mariachi and a private violin lesson or two. The Ms. is working full time as well, and going to school full time. The spawn is fast approaching her 3rd birthday, and plans for her yearly pachanga are fast underway. No clowns, no ponies, just pure unadulterated debauchery on an epic scale. BYOB.
So, until next time, whenever that is, hope life finds you well. Let’s see if I can’t make a habit of this again.