Just in case you haven't visited yet, check out Palin as President. They've added continually leading up to tomorrow's election, so now's as good a time as any to check it out for a quick laugh. Thanks go out to Korie for pointing this one out to me. Now give it a click, won'tcha'!
While we're bashing Sarah Palin, which I might add has officially been added as an Olympic sport in 2012. Here's a link to a compendium of articles and news relating to and supporting the idea that Sarah Palin does, in fact, suck.
Palin Sucks
BTW, did I mention that Sarah Palin sucks. Yeah, like a lot. And by Sarah Palin I mean that know-nothing pageant runner-up who likes rape, meth, and birthing ... and by sucks I mean she is completely inadequate and objectionable, not only for the position of Vice President, but pretty much any type of employment other than: telemarketer, NMSU parking enforcer, professional necropheliac, Wal-Mart™ greeter, or the role of Elisabeth Hasselbeck on the View.
Also she sucks.
Why McCain Will Be Defeated – From New Sarah Palin For Pres in 2012 Website
ReplyDelete“Start Today For Real Conservative Victory Within the GOP in 2010/12”
Read the short essay at http://www.palin4pres2012.com
Eh, well we're all about free speech here so feel free to check out the site in the previous comment. Still, I find the same incongruities with this premise as I have seen throughout the McCain campaign these last few months. Eventually, I'd like to see a conservative who didn't subscribe to some divisive and dogmatic rhetoric just to say they want smaller government and a strong military. How about you use logic and well laid plans for once? Maybe then you'd get back some of the voter base you're losing in this election year.
ReplyDeleteInstead we get these imaginary characters in Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. We should be presented with pillars of a new retooled conservative direction for the GOP, and instead we get these cartoon characters for party mascots. It's no wonder that Palin sells better as a halloween mask than as a VP, and that Joe the Plumber succeeds more as a marketing tool than ... well, a plumber.
Her 15 minutes are official over. Go back to Juneau and govern the great state of Alaska please.