Excuses? None. Work is work, family is family, school is school, and symphony is ... you guessed it. While none of these individual horses is completely responsible for my lack of blog related time, on the whole I'm sure you can see where things get a little bit drawn and quartered, time wise.
I had no idea the intensity of this stuff. According to the bottle it takes about 20 pounds of pears to create each bottle. Upon first pour, the cognac smelled more strongly of alcohol, almost like a whiskey. However, the moment it touched the tongue, a sweet syrup of natural pear flavor overtook the senses. Strong presence, sweet flavor, and ounce for ounce quite remarkable. Highly recommended for a dessert or after dinner drink.
Anyway, sips of cognac aside, we ate dinner and then watched the usual Thursday night lineup on NBC, albeit everything was a repeat. I promptly crashed, falling asleep for the next three hours. Whether this is a result of cumulative exhaustion or the calming effect of the alcohol, the world may never know.
For what it's worth, I haven't played any video games all week, so don't jump to any conclusions. Normally the vice of World of Warcraft would be just as culpable as any distraction. Realize that I, more than anybody, would be satisfied if this were the case. But alas, no. There just aren't enough hours in the day.
But rest assured, loyal viewers, I have not forgotten you. Elwood will surely get his meme fix. CJ_ATC will catch the bait for a "you've been in college too long" sucker punch. All will be well in the LC.
So enjoy this unlikely post. I woke up around 10:30pm just to write it out of guilt. Fortunately tomorrow is Friday and the weekend approaches. No guilt or worry from staying up too late. Should make for a good night on the blog and in the intangible world of Azeroth.
It's all good...what you need is a laptop, or a clear view of the TV from the computer. Then you can blog *and* watch "Earl" reruns at the same time.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that, I was a big fan when the Mrs. would let me keep the computer in the same room as the living room. Those days are gone....
ReplyDeleteWhat makes it difficult is my desire as a father and husband to be near my family battling my desire to be attached to a computer 24 hours a day.
I suppose it's not all that bad.... can't blame me for loving my family. But don't worry I'll make up quantity with quality.