In addition, taxes were filed last week and now refunds must be appropriated in the manner most suited to eliminating debt and/or catching up on ever looming mortgage payments.
Likewise, the house needs maintenance, another ever looming issue. Had the ol' septic tank empited the other day. You see, while our house does lie within the city limits, at the time it was built (1961 methinks) a septic tank was pretty much your only option. We may still need a visit from Roto-Rooter, as the pipes are still running a bit slow. I'll give it the ol' college try later on today (insert mad plunging here).
Hopefully today we'll be able to catch Coraline in 3D while it's still at the theaters. Here in the LC a new set of 10 screens just opened up at the local shopping mall. Previously the Mesilla Valley Mall contained 8 screens, 4 outside and 4 inside. When the company opened up 12 screens on the north side of town they shut down the outside four screens. Now they've closed the other four and built an addon to the mall complete with comfy stadium seating, an in-house restaurant, and some rocking digital projectors. It opened on March 6th, just in time for use to catch Watchment on Sunday afternoon. But more on that later.

All in all that brings us 26 screens, 4 cheapo second run and 22 digital. Nice work keeping the tickets down to a reasonable 8 bucks as well.
This weekend there's a plethora of activity. Some distant relative has a baby shower on Saturday, and on Sunday we'll be at my company picnic. Weather permitting of course. In the evening you'll find me with family, watching the latest DVD releases a second time (Milk and Role Models), tinkering with my now Level 80 Death Knight in World of Warcraft, and hopefully blowing the dust off my guitars, both real and plastic. I've been itching for some more progression through Rock Band 2.
Lastly, I need to seriously get on it when it comes to communication. I haven't updated anything lately. Facebook, nothin'... MySpace... pshh... Twitter... zzzzz..... I'm failing miserably at this interpersonal communication. Haven't called my parents/brother in at least two weeks. Hell, my friend Geoff lives 5 minutes away and I haven't seen him in two months! Needless to say I need to spend an hour or so over the week and call everyone just to say hi. Alot of good it does utilizing all this fabulous technology to reconnect with long lost friends only to "add" them and shuffle them off into the long lost pile again. And a blog post or two couldn't hurt either...
So, there ya go, one more week in the harnessed madness that is my life. Here's to the hope that your's goes easier, and to the appreciation that it's not nearly as bad as it is for some.
As always,
As always, it's great to read your posts :)