Today is my 100th post. Honestly, it hardly feels like that many. For the most part I just threw out random rants and raves, and added a pinch of intelligence, with a side of humorous videos and pictures.
And then, before you know it. BAM! 100 posts.
I do this for the sheer fun of it. It's nice to feel like you're heard when you have something to say, and this has always been a simple way to accomplish that. Likewise, I've succeeded in accomplishing my primary goal of centralizing my social networking. If I run into a friend I haven't' seen or heard from in awhile, JRTW is an easy way for them to catch up with the ins and outs of what I've been up to lately. I can direct my Facebook/Myspace friends here as well, freeing me of the nagging necessity to consistently update my "status." Besides, in case you haven't noticed, MySpace has become a virtual assault on the senses, and Facebook is slowly turning into MySpace. But that's another post in and of itself, so I'll save that for another day.
Along the way I've had the pleasure of discovering new friends and have enjoyed reading the work of others. In addition, it has been nothing short of satisfying when someone new compliments the blog out of the blue (Just as in real life, this usually happens right around the time I think nobody is paying attention).
As for the future, only time will tell. It always seems like just when I'm about to dedicate myself to maintaining daily updates, some life event comes along that removes me from society for a few days. However, I've achieved some semblance of regularity with my "A Week in the Life" and "WTF" posts. So as long as there's something to complain about, I'll have work to do.
So thanks to everyone who reads, comments, or links JRTW. I'm fortunate enough to know most of you personally, and couldn't ask for a finer slice of humanity. I'm glad to be part of your thoughts once or twice a week, and rest assured that you're always in mine.
Here's to making it 1000,

w00t! Congrats on hitting the century mark!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, Dude!