Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's time.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away... I disappeared.

While unfortunate at the time it was necessary. Life simply wasn't permitting me the time or energy to devote myself to writing. As with life in general, one situation after another presented itself before me, longing for priority and solution. Coupled with a general lack of inspiration, the only realistic solution for me was to remove myself temporarily from a life that dictated I be online 3 hours a day.
I could rattle off the reasons why, but they're not your concern, nor are they so ominous as to require mention outside of this sentence. But as things have settled in to a groove, or as close to a groove I'll let them, the time has come to reapply myself here.

I truly love this time I have, with my words and my friends, and have spent time lost finding new and glorious topics yearning for that sarcastic brand of cynicism I'm only more than happy to provide. Between late night wars, Obama's first year, Glenn Beck, underwear bombs and our old friend swine flu, there's a lot of work ahead.

So a quick recap, the little one is now one year and 3 months old. What can I say? Of course I'm a bit biased, but being her father has been the most wonderful experience of my life. It's a difficult thing to comprehend if you haven't experienced it, but there's something awe inspiring about it. Every day there's a spark in her eye, and the next thing you know she's saying or doing something you never believed possible at that age. It's really quite amazing.

Work is finally settling down. The last quarter of 2009 proved to be very busy, but I've made some changes which will ensure the 2010 goes a whole lot smoother. The result should be less stress and less mental exhaustion after work. Music is music, still always playing. I enjoyed a bit of a break for the last two weeks of January, but otherwise I was booked pretty solid from Thanksgiving forward. Now we're back into the swing of things with concerts this weekend and next with the LCSO.

So there you are.

As for JRTW, expect a little more fucking profanity. I find myself all too often over analyzing the audience I'm writing for, and it has a habit of derailing my train of thought. So no more of that shit, what comes out is what you get. Certain ideas can only be truly expressed with the added panache only rampant swearing can provide. It's an art form, damn it! If you don't like it, let me know and maybe I'll insert a motherf*cking asterisk or two, if you're good. If I inadvertently hurt your feelings, please watch the video to be cheered up.

If that doesn't work... I can't help you.

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