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Yes Mr. Jimmy?
Who is Bristol Palin?
That's right... money.
Just to set the record straight I have nothing against underage drinking, it's not for me but if that's really what you want to do to have a good time and you have access to the stuff, knock yourself out. Just have a sober wingman and don't do anything stupid like driving or skydiving. Likewise if you end up with an unwanted pregnancy and choose to keep the baby, go for it. I know, I know, you really might not have understood the consequences of your actions at your young and delicate age, but to be totally honest with you, neither did your parents. Just own it, accept the consequences and work hard at it and you'll be fine.
However, if you should happen to be the daughter of Sarah Palin, I have no remorse for you. Yes, you are about to be dragged through the mud by the press. Yes, your mother will have to put a beautiful Republican spin on how you're "keeping the baby" (pro-life) and how you plan on "marrying the father" (family values). But to hell with this whole idea of say one thing and do another. It's really beyond ridiculous already. I can't even articulate how absolutely careless and shallow a decision has been made here. And I'm just talking about McCain. More to come on your douchebag of a baby daddy next time around. Seacrest out!
I think $1000 is a bit much...I mean, how much does a bottle of Boone's cost these days anyway?