Alright, I've had about enough of this. Now I understand many years ago the personal computer was not something the average person had access to in their home. These monstrous things often took up many rooms and required a shit ton of punch cards to operate properly. And by operate properly I mean to perform the basic function of a TI-82.
Now given that the computer was a thing of privilege to even be near, it meant that the best means by which to experience this new technology was through television or the movies. Enter the realm of science fiction. I love science fiction, and who doesn't to some extent. In all classic sci-fi you'll see ships with computers and all sorts of futuristic technology, and with all those exciting things came wondrous sounds. *Beep* *Boop* *Whoosh* *Etc*

My question is, at which point will media realize that we know computers don't make cool sound effects every single time you use them? When I'm watching a film or television program set in the future, I'm ready to allow a certain suspension of disbelief. However, when your film or TV show is set in present time, I don't need unnecessary and entirely unbelievable effects for every move your mouse pointer makes. Clicks, beeps, whooshes of windows as you maximize and minimize. Save it for the explosions and the gunshots and mostly for the foley artists. They need a paycheck! You're not fooling anybody! I'm on a computer right now and it's not making any noise! Look, I'm switching tabs in Firefox, now I'm closing a window, and now I've pressed the Start button! And yet I hear no cacauphony of sound, simply the clattering of my keys and the wrinkling of my brow as my disenfranchised heart wonders why Microsoft didn't include those very sound effects in my copy of Windows XP. Maybe they're Vista exclusive... that must be it.
But really, knock it off.
Have a great weekend, talk to you all soon!
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