Well, we're here and admitted at Memorial Medical Center, Room 219, working on getting this baby stuff going. Right now the Mrs. is enjoying a club sandwich and some fruit whilst I attempt to connect to a random assortment of low-signal unsecured connections. Labor is pretty early on, but they're keeping a close eye on her blood pressure so we're here for the long run. She has been "implanted" with some new age cervix-blaster, meant to progressively increase the strength and frequency of the contractions at a normal, healthy rate. This process could take up to 12 hours, so we're already settling in to stay the night. Around 1AM, they'll probably switch her to some induction medicine. From there, we're looking at delivery on or around 7AM MST, which means around 6 in the morning for Elwood and the West Coasters (same for you Arizona, since you refuse to see the light on this whole daylight savings thing). Y'all in the District will probably see some action around 9 in the a.m. Either way, enjoy your afternoons and evenings, watch some House, and keep tuning in for the latest baby action ... or inaction.
40 weeks ago, you gave her the old-school "cervix-blaster", know-what-I'm-sayin!!!!
ReplyDeleteSweeet, totally rofl baby!