While it pales exponentially in comparison, my night was pretty sleepless too. Easy work though, a sip of water here, a friendly voice there.
Well, the nurse is here, fixing the monitoring equipment for what must be the seventh or eighth time. I know they're busy, but considering the reason they kept us here was to monitor her blood pressure, it's a tiny bit disconcerting to know that the monitoring equipment was at one point or another:
- Shut off.
- Not turned on.
- Not connected.
- Not attached right.
- Not loaded with paper.
- Not printing.
- Not picking up a reading.
- Jamming, i.e. paper ... not strawberry.
I think that's from Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties, don't hold me to that.
Ahh, what's this? Nurses? I.V.'s? Anesthesiologists?
Here we go!
Whoo Hoo! Almost time to have your own roly-poly chubby-cheeked little shit machine!
ReplyDeleteSeriously...waiting for the announcement...Go Team Rodriguez!