Monday, May 4, 2009

A Week in the Life 20 - A Case of the Mondays

Another weekend come and another exciting week ahead. Today is ho hum. It's Monday and I'm a bit on the sleepy side, but I'll get to that later.

While we're on tangents here, do you ever look ahead at your week and try to pinpoint chunks of time when you might be able to catch up on sleep? I see the future and little lines shoot out at specific moments like connecting stars in a constellation, mapping my zzzz's like some distant cosmic event. I see naps this evening as a possibility, think Wednesday afternoon perhaps, maybe Thursday night... who knows.

But back to reality, I'm sure none of us really gets as much sleep as we'd like. That's what death is for. Soon will I rest, yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have.

Last weekend was the final season subscription concert for the Las Cruces Symphony. That officially marks the end of my fourteenth season with the Symphony. This week we'll be playing our Children / Family concerts. We round up all the 5th graders from all of Las Cruces' elementary schools on Wednesday morning, bus them in, and play three concerts in a row. It's a great opportunity for us to reach out to the community and provides some insight for those children who are about to undertake an instrument of their own. On Saturday we play a family concert at 3pm as well. Families can bring their children for the concert and the kids can hold and see all the instruments to get a better feel for them.

This weekend also marks the release of the revamped Star Trek franchise. On Sunday I'll be taking my parents out to see the movie. It is a fine coincidence that Sunday is Mother's Day, as my mother is a huge Star Trek buff so it's an easy gift.

At some point this week I'll finish up my online class, get an oil change, get a haircut, and apply for a Passport card to enable travel to Mexico come June. Somewhere in between I'll be hanging out with Caitlyn and Crystal, watching the NBA playoffs, finishing Children's Week, and hopefully adding a couple of posts.

Busy busy busy.

Oh yeah.. I said I'd get back to the "I'm sleepy" thing later. So, um, yeah. I'm sleepy.

So have a great week, and best of luck in all your endeavours.

P.S. Still not dead of swine flu, and still eating bacon like it's breathing air.

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