Greetings all. My sincerest apologies on my lack of updates over the last few days. Those late romantic operas tend to drain the body, mind, and soul. Every hour that wasn't spent performing or working has been spent sleeping. And I mean every hour, even the precious few minutes when I arrive home only to change outfits and leave again.
And speaking of neglect, I must add that I have also neglected another aspect of life over the last few months. This of course, as the title suggests, is that very aspect of my life which tends to marginalize life itself - World of Warcraft.
Now say what you will. I understand that MMOs tend to be time sinks. I also understand that they are the cause of some pretty unusual human actions. By which I mean silly things like game addiction which has led to death in a few extremely rare cases.
However, for the rest of us, myself included, the game is fun and a nice way to kill a few hours while effectively costing you pennies and hour versus other forms of entertainment (i.e. movies, a round of golf, happy hour).
That being said, I haven't played the game since the tail end of July thanks to a much needed visit from my best man and his wife from D.C. With the onset of parenthood in a few more weeks, and the round-the-clock preparation for the nursery and the baby shower, I haven't felt the "urge" to venture back into Azeroth for awhile now.
So, later on tonight, I'll venture on prior to server reset and log an hour or so on my level 32 Shadow Priest, Crystäl, which I know means nothing to anyone who isn't a Shadow Priest. I'll stop by and fly around Shattrah City with Disemboweler, my main, and a handy level 70 tank. And maybe, just maybe I'll visit Lothlorianos, my former Tauren Druid, and move him up a bit from level 64 where he's sat for over a year and a half. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend a bit of time with these neglected few intangible friends, and with luck I'll find some time to chat a bit with some real world friends, whom I've also neglected (as the game provides and convenient way to keep in touch with said friends).
Here's to renewing old friendships ... however intangible.
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