It’s coming, really. Been re-adapting, new comp, fresh Win 7 install, the works. But believe it, it’s coming.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Good morning!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009
We don't need no water....

Bad cow.
To celebrate, here's a little Bloodhound Gang with their classic... Fire Water Burn. Always loved the video, though back in the day it didn't get much airtime.
Hope your day is going well!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Nancy Grace is a Genius
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Are you there, internet? It's me, Jimmy
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
2 1/2 Weeks in the Life - Busy busy busy busy....

On Sunday, Crystal and I parted ways as she left to Ruidoso with the baby, and I left for my morning rehearsal in Mexico. I was in it for the long haul, as the morning rehearsal went from 10am to 1pm and the concert started at 6pm, so there was no sense in enduring the wait to travel back to El Paso for the afternoon. So I stayed in Juarez for the whole day, just hanging out at the concert hall playing the DS. On the plus side, I did complete the New Super Mario Bros. , so hooray me.

But I digress...

So I haul ass all the way up to Ruidoso and get there around midnight. I've missed the whole wedding, but I'm still in time to spend some time with the family before everyone falls asleep. The following morning we all had breakfast and everyone parted ways again after a nice morning swim. Nancy and Peter left for their honeymoon in San Antonio, and the rest of us drove back to my parent's house in Alamogordo. We spent the day there relaxing and then left later that evening back to Las Cruces, and brought my brother along.

Wednesday morning (6/17), we all had breakfast and then high tailed it to El Paso once more to deliver my brother back into Hawaii's open arms. It was quite the caravan, as my mother and father packed in all my sister's kids and my brother rode with Crystal, Caitlyn and I. We had some coffee at the Starbucks™ in the airport, gave him one last round of special-ed-sized hugs, and watched his plane take off (albeit, after waiting forever thanks to "security").
Since then, back to work as usual... wash, rinse, repeat.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Video of the Day - Literal Translations
For one, I'm not the biggest "Total Eclipse of the Heart" fan.
For another, I'm not a Bonnie Tyler fan by any stretch of the imagination.
Bonnie Tyler is the Annie Lennox of Roxettes.
Just had to get that off of my head.
However, this clip takes her video for the song and details exactly what's happening as it progresses. Come to think of it, I've never given much thought to music videos like this, for good reason, as there's not much substance to them. However, there's a shitload of humor in those quick scenes we normally let pass freely from our short term memory to oblivion.
Have a look.
A Week in the Life 23 - New Babies

Thursday, May 21, 2009
A Week in the Life 22 - The Story So Far

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Week in the Life 21 - Coming Soon!

I'd love to tell you all about it but it just so happens that it's crazy enough for me to not have the time to do just that.
Suffice it to say that the week has been loaded with some adjustments at work, some good movies, and hopefully some time with old friends (pending).
So I'll not keep you from your busy day, but I did want to let you know I'll get to this week's update sooner than later.
And as always, thanks for your time.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
On Motherhood

"Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope
outlives them all." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother.
I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical
education I received from her." -- George Washington
" Who is it that loves me and will love me forever with an affection which no
chance, no misery, no crime of mine can do away? — It is you, my mother."--
Thomas Carlyle
"I think my life began with waking up and loving my mother's face."-- George
"Making the decision to have a child-it's momentous. It is to decide forever to
have your heart go walking around outside your body." --Elizabeth Stone
"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang
Now some may not fall so easily in to this honored category. Some may be unknown to us, some have passed, and some seem like they're out to ruin our lives. But love or hate, you are always hard pressed to identify someone in your life who has more to do with who you are than your mother, whether because of her or in spite of her.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."-- Abraham Lincoln
Sorry about the morning sickness,
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Weekend Cometh

Monday, May 4, 2009
A Week in the Life 20 - A Case of the Mondays

While we're on tangents here, do you ever look ahead at your week and try to pinpoint chunks of time when you might be able to catch up on sleep? I see the future and little lines shoot out at specific moments like connecting stars in a constellation, mapping my zzzz's like some distant cosmic event. I see naps this evening as a possibility, think Wednesday afternoon perhaps, maybe Thursday night... who knows.
But back to reality, I'm sure none of us really gets as much sleep as we'd like. That's what death is for. Soon will I rest, yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have.

This weekend also marks the release of the revamped Star Trek franchise. On Sunday I'll be taking my parents out to see the movie. It is a fine coincidence that Sunday is Mother's Day, as my mother is a huge Star Trek buff so it's an easy gift.
At some point this week I'll finish up my online class, get an oil change, get a haircut, and apply for a Passport card to enable travel to Mexico come June. Somewhere in between I'll be hanging out with Caitlyn and Crystal, watching the NBA playoffs, finishing Children's Week, and hopefully adding a couple of posts.
Busy busy busy.
Oh yeah.. I said I'd get back to the "I'm sleepy" thing later. So, um, yeah. I'm sleepy.
So have a great week, and best of luck in all your endeavours.
P.S. Still not dead of swine flu, and still eating bacon like it's breathing air.
Friday, May 1, 2009
WTF 15 - Swine Flu Part 2

- Higher taxes take your money preventing you from buying flu remedies.
- A soft stance on border protection allowed swine flu to cross over unchecked, where it has induced illness and stolen jobs from hardworking Americans.
- Patient Zero, Edgar Hernandez, hails from Mexico, but only recently moved there. He is originally from a pig farm in Portugal where he once herded pigs with his pet dog. Upon further investigation it has been determined that his herding dog was in fact a recently born Portuguese Water Dog adopted by ... you guessed it... Barack Obama. Swine flu came not from Mexico, but straight from the First Dog.
- Patient zero was released from Guantanamo Bay.
- Swine flu backwards is Ulfeniws, the name of Obama's imaginary childhood friend.
So I'll continue my verbal assault on swine flu unabated. It's kill or be killed at this point my tasty friend.
More to come,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
In case you didn't notice.
Once I link the image online it should be a bit larger.
Monday, April 27, 2009
WTF 14 - Swine Flu

But time passed and man soon forgot that his relationship with the animal kingdom is 80% delicious, and 20% super fucking deadly.
And by 20% I mean 10% from eating a steady diet of bacon and 10% from the swine flu that will ravage your immune system, and eventually you'll end up as a dotless marker on a long forgotten Google maps epidemic tracking page.
Curious, click HERE!
Now I'm all for death by bacon ingestion. Sounds great. And who's to say that you can't just get rid of the old artery, grab one from the leg, and send that bitch upstairs. Lo and behold, you're back at Wendy's the next week chomping on the Baconator™. You just have to love science.
What I don't like are these animal related diseases. What the hell did we claw our way to the top of the food chain for only to be taken out by French kissing a pig. Hell, if I had known French kissing a pig was going to kill me someday, I'd have left the beer goggles at home years ago. And Swine Flu? Can't we come up with something a little more elaborate than Swine Flu? Swine Flu is like half a step above calling it Pig Sick. "Yup, poor Clamentine done bought the big one on account'uh the Pig Sick. Yeh caint be swoonin' over dem hogs like you used to could."
Let's make it a little more interesting... call it:
- Porcine Influenza
- Bacon Fever
- Porkatosis
- Wilbur's Revenge
- Mad Sow Disease
- Pigletitus: The Reckoning
See, it's easy. A properly named disease will incite fear in all but the most cynical of bloggers.
So good luck surviving the latest animal related disease!
Stay tuned for the poultry induced rheumatoid arthritis... Chicken Fingers.
Or Veal Parmaseanorrhea, Duck L'Orange You Glad You Didn't Die of Swine Flu, and my personal favorite... Burgerpes.
Here's to hoping the vegetables don't turn on us again,
A Week in the Life 19 - Rising From the Ashes
After a lovely weekend, I return for another week of musical goodness. Last Saturday was spent in Juarez, Mexico playing Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsikov. Sunday was an off day, spent enjoying an otherwise uneventful day with Caitlyn and Crystal. We just vegged out all day and watched the NBA playoffs and Sunday night FOX animation. Here's a quick clip of the piece performed by the Moscow Symphony.
This week is the final concert for the Las Cruces Symphony's 08-09 season. The highlight of this coming weekend's performance will be Stravinsky's Firebird Suite. Haven't played that piece in over a decade so I'm looking forward to playing it again. Here's a rare video of Stravinsky himself conducting the piece.
So again you may see me only intermittently, as I'll be busy juggling the goodness that is life. Other than work and symphony, there's the usual school which is wrapping up next week. I'll also be working on making the magical switch from the heater to the air conditioner. I'm pretty sure we're through all the cold fronts mother nature wants to send our way, so it's the balmy sizzle of summer from here on out.
Apologies in advance for what will no doubt be a slow few weeks on the blog.
I'll try to throw up whatever interesting crap I find online. I always have that uneasy feeling that you've all seen everything I post up here somewhere else on the Internet, but I'm going to do it anyway just to look like I'm keeping up with my end of the deal.
So here's to another week! Caitlyn turns 6 months on the 29th. You know, they do really grow up too fast. I wasn't sure after hearing it 15,000 times, but it all makes sense now.
Hope life finds you well, and if not, best of luck in the future. I'm going to spend the last 10 minutes of lunch grabbing a warm cup of coffee, and searching for useless junk to toss up on the blog for the rest of the week.
Take care,

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A Week in the Life #18 - Happy Feaster

So now, back to the grind. After a lovely weekend off, including Monday, it's back to work. Have to make a living somehow, and for the time being it seems that the best way to do that is by working. Personally, I'm hoping that whole concept changes in the future. If I'm lucky someday you'll be able to make a living by sitting in the comfortable corner of the couch and falling asleep on a partly cloudy afternoon while watching The Simpsons.
Not a whole lot going on this week. I had Monday off and I'll have Thursday and Sunday off this week as well, so my work week is split right down the middle.
This week my priority is cleaning the house and reassembling a computer I've been working on. I received a nice little piece of work the other day, and I'll be doing a complete tear down and rebuild since it wasn't posting. I noticed a couple of inconsistencies (i.e. improperly seated RAM, video card power cable plugged in 1 notch off) so I'm just going to dismantle the whole thing and start from scratch. Wish me luck.
As far as cleaning the house goes, I need to take out the trash and wash the dishes (I'm way overdue, it's totally my turn). Likewise I need to get rid of all the clutter surrounding my computer desk. I need to file away the important stuff (W-2's, paper copies of taxes) and throw out the rest.

Speaking of which, at some point I should acquire some credentials. I've been border-hopping the last 3 years pretty regularly and have yet to procure myself a passport. If I'm not mistaken I'm going to require one here shortly or they won't let my ass back into the country. Fortunately there's that new border crossing card which covers you for land travel to Mexico and Canada. It's cheaper and more efficient than a traditional passport, so I'll probably go that route. Especially since I won't be taking my European vacation anytime soon.
Caitlyn made out like a little pink Easter bandit. Chocolate bunnies, creme eggs, handsome little outfits, and even some delicious rice husks. She still seems to amaze us everyday, and I'll tell you right out that I totally don't deserve this kid.
Speaking of which, it's high time I put up some damn baby pictures. I talk and talk about her like she's Snuffleupagus. Add that to my list of things to do this week. Clean house, fix computer, post baby pictures to blog/Facebook page. Done, done, and done.
More to come,
P.S. I ate this bunny too.....

Saturday, April 11, 2009
The 100th Post

Today is my 100th post. Honestly, it hardly feels like that many. For the most part I just threw out random rants and raves, and added a pinch of intelligence, with a side of humorous videos and pictures.
And then, before you know it. BAM! 100 posts.
I do this for the sheer fun of it. It's nice to feel like you're heard when you have something to say, and this has always been a simple way to accomplish that. Likewise, I've succeeded in accomplishing my primary goal of centralizing my social networking. If I run into a friend I haven't' seen or heard from in awhile, JRTW is an easy way for them to catch up with the ins and outs of what I've been up to lately. I can direct my Facebook/Myspace friends here as well, freeing me of the nagging necessity to consistently update my "status." Besides, in case you haven't noticed, MySpace has become a virtual assault on the senses, and Facebook is slowly turning into MySpace. But that's another post in and of itself, so I'll save that for another day.
Along the way I've had the pleasure of discovering new friends and have enjoyed reading the work of others. In addition, it has been nothing short of satisfying when someone new compliments the blog out of the blue (Just as in real life, this usually happens right around the time I think nobody is paying attention).
As for the future, only time will tell. It always seems like just when I'm about to dedicate myself to maintaining daily updates, some life event comes along that removes me from society for a few days. However, I've achieved some semblance of regularity with my "A Week in the Life" and "WTF" posts. So as long as there's something to complain about, I'll have work to do.
So thanks to everyone who reads, comments, or links JRTW. I'm fortunate enough to know most of you personally, and couldn't ask for a finer slice of humanity. I'm glad to be part of your thoughts once or twice a week, and rest assured that you're always in mine.
Here's to making it 1000,

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Video of the Day - First
More to come tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Week in the Life #17 - Hasenpfeffer

Took most of the weekend off from the Internet, something that Jimmy-from-five-years-ago would have never foreseen. It seems to happen more and more these days. Used to be I'd never go through an entire 24 hour period without being online, but now it just sort of happens. Funny how no matter where your focus lies in life, life finds a way to shift it without you noticing. It is a bit strange, when not so long ago most of my waking hours were spent in front of the computer. However, since I don't seem to notice, I'll leave it be.
Work is fine, although each week seems to bring another set of micro-managing rules. Don't do this, stop doing that, do it this way instead of this way. I'm sure it's not too different than most jobs, but it tends to feel a bit cliche (i.e. one bad apple). Whatever, I get off at 3:45 so by the time I care I'm already home. Besides, I'm no hypocrite.

Anyway, we'll make the local family rounds and then eventually head over to Alamogordo to visit my parents and my sister's family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Caitlyn cleans up in the chocolate rabbit department. Diabetes doesn't onset itself you know.
Friday, April 3, 2009
WTF #14 - Ugh