Friday, March 6, 2009

Work Ethics - Friday I'm in Love

Ahh, work. Nothing says "I'd rather be home" than a long, drawn out day at the job.

My little cubicle, my handy computer, surrounded by co-workers all diligently dedicated to their jobs.

Technically I'm at lunch. However, it seems that I spend so much time on my ass that eating excessively throughout the day leads to a little known condition called uncontrollable fat-ass. These days I'll bring a piece of fruit or some other healthy alternative. Since I'm so sedentary these days it's a good idea to reduce my calorie intake to the same level of what I burn by sitting in front of a computer upwards of 10-12 hours a day. Now of course I can't blame all that time on work, as I'm just a guilty for sitting on my ass at home, more than likely in front of a computer.

But the great thing about internet access at work is that time otherwise spent ingesting high-calorie deep fried burritos can be spent posting unnecesary conversations such as this one. And what better country than America to utilize time at work to complain about being bored at work with nothing to do. It's the epitome of freedom, the freedom to complain about the freedom to complain. USA! USA!

Anyway, it's a lovely Friday and I have no rehearsals tonight. I'm going to get out of here, run home, kiss my wife, hug my baby and gorge myself with bacon. Then I'll probably end up where I began, in front of a computer working on getting a little fatter, complaining about not having anything to complain about.

It's really quite wonderful.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Video of the Day - Grapevine Fires

No fluff today, just a good video. Grapevine Fires from Death Cab for Cutie. I've grown continuously more and more fond of this group. I keep finding some really great songs as I peruse their discography. I highly suggest a good listen, as grapevine fires exemplifies the group's ability to treat the subject of death with a positive spin. In a sort of "tis better to have loved and lost" kinda way.

My personal favorite at the moment is I'll Follow You Into the Dark, from Plans. Download that one for sure. For more DCFC goodness, no better place than their site.

Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Week in the Life - Back to Business

Well, another week is here, and hopefully I'll find the time to do more than ponder if I have the time to make any significant changes to my blog. Usually, I open it up, stare at the screen for about a minute, than carry on with the things I must prioritize over posting. You know what my distractions are so I won't bore you with trite summaries.

Impossible tasks teach us the art of prioritization, and the virtue of acceptance when we fail. Some things are impossible, but it is our reaction to failures that ultimately determines if failure exists or not.

So yeah, I'm not to bothered by my lack of posting, since I was pretty damn sick last week. What motivation I could muster was gladly spent helping around the house and spending time with Caitlyn. Crystal as well was feeling under the weather all last week, her illness came a few days prior to mine. The baby had a small cold as well, but she's a trooper, and you wouldn't know by her smiling all the time.

Went to the movies for the first time on Saturday to see Taken. It was Caitlyn's first foray into the movie theater. She made it a good hour into the movie before getting a bit restless and started talking it up a little. Crystal just took her to the back of the theater where she promptly fell asleep. All in all it was alot of fun, and we avoided being "that" couple. You know, the shitty parents who don't give a damn if their child is crying full volume at the late showing of Return of the King on opening night weekend. Assholes.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that wasn't us.

Finished up the ol' taxes this week. It was a colossal pain in the ass, even with friendly software to assist. I had a bunch of 1099's from gigs this last year, Caitlyn is a dependent now, I had a couple of W2's as well from the job change, and Crystal's entire income is a form 1099 as well. So both of us have Schedule C forms to fill out for our personal businesses. Add onto that the house being a home office for Crystal's day care, complete with all it's deductions and percentages and depreciation's, and it's just a big pain.

This week I'm playing with Juarez. Just a whole mess of songs, all popular stuff. Several selections from Carmen, the William Tell overture, and Borodin's Polotsvian Dances. All real big crowd pleasers.

Sunday I'm going to see Watchmen. I finished the book recently and am looking forward to seeing the "unfilmable" film. From what I've read they've stayed pretty true to the book, as best they could. Can't wait for the "Tales from the Black Freighter" DVD as well, I liked the parallel story in the book for its dark theme and macabre scenarios. Mostly though, I guess I'm just hungry for some hard "R" super-hero type violence. Should be a good finishing touch to an otherwise busy week.

So yea, another week come and gone. We'll see what she holds! Hope you are all well.

And welcome back Elwood.

Talk to you later,

Freakin' kittens!

Sweet Jesus am I tired of seeing these kittens on the beginning of my blog. What a freaking embarassment. Cute kittens... what the hell is wrong with me?