Friday, February 12, 2010

Treasure trail...

All things considered, there's a time to re-think posting suggestive images on the Internet. While that time has yet to come for me, it still makes checking the comments on my blog from work a bit more dangerous than it would usually be.

So, in everyone's best interest, allow me to post a random series of safe-for-work images, if only to strategically push more objectionable content lower on the page.

In other news, I didn't miss much over the last few months in regards to Sarah Palin. Fortunately for me, she's been hammering nails in her own coffin while I've been away, saving me the trouble of proofreading my stream of thought regarding the extent to which she personifies everything that's wrong with the GOP.

Of course, that doesn't mean she won't get hers, I just need to throw something together.

Getting ready for Valentine's Day, which means a whole lot of nothing balloons and candy wise. But Valentine's Day does resurrect some fond memories, allow me to elaborate.

Crystal and I began dating right around Valentine's day 8 years ago. I remember it like it were yesterday plus 8 years.

I had been in El Paso that night at the Olive Garden having dinner with Terry, Sarah, her roommates and a few other friends for her birthday (I think it's on February 15th, but don't hold me to that).

Once we had finished dinner, I returned to Las Cruces and met up with some co-workers from Peter Piper Pizza who were throwing a party that night as well. From that point forward... well, that's for another time.

Also, on Valentines Day 2008, Crystal found out she was pregnant with a very tiny Caitlyn. Which was a damned good coincidence since we named her Caitlyn anyway. Here we are, an amazing two years later.

This weekend I'll be playing a chamber orchestra concert at the Rio Grande theater. We're performing Mozart's 40th Symphony, and the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. The 40th was Mozart's second to last symphony and one of, if not, his most well known. The Mendelssohn Concerto is amazing, and harder than it sounds. Feel free to click on the links for a taste via YouTube.

Tonight it's dinner with the folks and catching the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics. I'll try not to get killed hurling myself off of the luge track, but no guarantees (these HDTV's make you feel like you're really there). Tomorrow I'll be in rehearsals during the day and out for dinner and a show at night. Sunday brings a violin lesson to teach and a concert in the afternoon.

Stay tuned for something a little more humorous and less life-updatey over the weekend.

Ok, I think this should suffice, cute pictures wise.

Time to wrap things up here.

Forgive any errors for the remainder of the day, I'll correct shit when I'm home and able (done, I think). The spacing on my posts when I send them through here ends up all screwy in the final product.

Watch Zombieland if you haven't already, great fuckin' movie.



Rainbows and Unicorns.



Also, that whole dying on the luge thing... tragic. I'm not sure in whose book lining the track with roof support beams seems like a good idea, but it's not mine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Todd and the Bulge

So as it were:

Facebook Screenshot 1

Basically, uploaded the completed shot, only to have it removed.

Yet another reason to manage a blog. Nobody censoring my poorly chopped homoerotic photo here!

You really must love the internet. The last bastion of true freedom!

So without adieu, Todd and the Bulge.

Todd and the Bulge

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Week in the Life - Day 2 – Movin’ on up.

messy_desk_contest_winnerToday marked yet another milestone in the JRTW reboot, as I physically moved the computer to a more prevalent location.

Basically, everything was located in the bedroom. It seemed like a good idea at the time, since it kept me close by the bed. But I came to the quick realization that my late night shenanigans were quite the distraction for Caitlyn. It didn’t seem possible, but it turns out she’s more of a computer junkie than I am. I can’t count on all 21 of my digits the number of times she’s shoved me out of the way en route to the desktop and/or laptop. She’s equally handy (deadly) with a mouse. And while this chokes me up with nerdy pride, the habit doesn’t lend itself to a good night’s sleep… for any of us.

ARNOLDAnd so it came to be, that more often than not I would find myself sitting in the living room, watching TV or playing with Caitlyn, until bedtime came rolling around. As the official crapshoot of parenthood, bedtime yields mixed results. Some nights bedtime is quick and painless,and others nights are best described as un-sanctioned MMA bouts. Nothing strains the heart strings like having to choke out at 15 month old child, but all the same… it’s cheaper than pay-per-view.

Moving on. So there I am, waiting for the little one to go off to sleep, at which point I now have the remainder of the evening to myself. This golden opportunity leaves me with roughly an hour online to ration out as I see fit. Most nights, I’m simply catching up on emails, social networking, and the like. Occasionally, there’s the funny video or a quick level or two of a flash based game. And rarely there’s a tempting pseudo-login to World of Warcraft (*sniff*). Of course, a night would not be complete without a visit from our old friend… porn.

But JRTW sat there and waited patiently. Every day I’d come home with every intention of working on the blog. But motivation gave way to routine, and routine was quick to inform me that by the time I would have the opportunity to post, I'd have neither the time nor the consciousness necessary.

Now, the comp rests peacefully in the living room, in plain sight and eager to augment my reality. I must say, it feels pretty damn good.

As always, more to come.

